A warm thank you to the wildlife photographers for their kindness in allowing me to use their images as references. Their name is written on the back of each painting, and shared as often as possible when describing a painting. I thank you so much for your inspiration!
Names and Instagram handles:
Lydia Ripplinger-- @lydebug
Theodore Emery - @wind.and.wing
Missy Mandel - @missymandel_photography
V. Arul - @arullura
Clive Nichols - @clivenichols
Brian Genge - @Brian.genge.photos
Katherine Sayn-Wittgenstein - @birdsbyksw
Jan Broz - @animalphoto_in_czech
Amy Novotny - @anovotn
Mike Hellyer - @hellyer_photography
Dave Dunlop - @David_dunlop55